Monday, June 3, 2024

Find out more about New Zealand's Endangered Dolphins

A beautifully illustrated nonfiction book on the worlds smallest and most endangered dolphins

Mid-May my second book was released into bookshops. This book is an illustrated nonfiction book about the New Zealand dolphins formerly known as the Maui and Hector's dolphins. Scientists now prefer to name species after their country or what they look like.

I cover subjects such as:

  • How rare?
  • How big?
  • How are they the same and different?
  • How clever?
  • What senses?
  • What habits?
  • What's on the menu?
  • What is their life cycle?
  • How do mothers care for their calves?
  • How do they play?
  • What threatens them?
  • How do sanctuaries protect them?
  • What can we do to help?

I approach each subject with a question because I imagined a young person asking those questions and wanted to answer them directly. I fell in love with the dolphins even more after learning how caring they are to each other and other species, including humans. And I love how playful they are, even playing tag and pass the parcel seaweed along to each other. I knew kids would want to read how we're protecting these precious taonga and have included how sanctuaries are doing that job and what we can do to help them.

I always like to make a double page interesting by putting in extra graphics - this time it's a fact bubble. You'll learn fascinating titbits like: Did you know that the closest living relation to dolphins and whales today is the hippopotamus! And dolphins' brains are 15-60 times bigger than a shark that are a similar size! You'll find one of these bubble facts on every double page spread. I've also include a New Zealand map, a diagram showing the size of dolphins in New Zealand waters, and a dolphin showing its labelled body parts - all expertly drawn by Marco Ivancic.

I've teamed up with Marco again and he's created some stunning illustrations of the North and South Island New Zealand dolphins. This is my favourite one.

I also teamed up with Thorsten Bux from Tripod-digital to make an Augmented Reality site with extra information. You just need to scan the QR code below and it'll take you to a webpage and then you hold your camera over each page in the book and it'll show you videos, photographs, and extra information. Do push the link to see the dolphins looking at themselves in the mirror, they are ever-so cute. You'll also see a progression of one of Marco's illustrations.
The book was expertly checked by New Zealand's leading dolphin expert Dr Elisabeth Slooten. I'd like to thank Dr Elisabeth Slooten for her fact checking, Genevieve Robinson from Canterbury Regional Council for her photographs, Thorsten Bux for making the wonderful AR component, Marco Ivancic for his gorgeous illustrations, and Duncan Perkinson from White Cloud Books/Upstart Press for making this book happen.

I talk about the book some more on my website here. You can find my educational resource here. Here's my book trailer:

Thanks to the following reviewers for their reviews.

Bob from Bobs Books Blog says, "Marco Ivancic’s diagrams, photographs, maps and illustrations enhance the excellent information and easy text of Maria Gill. An award winning non fiction book if I ever saw one." Read more here.

Adele from What Book Next says, "This is a perfect book for young dolphin lovers, school projects and the Children’s Non-Fiction section of all NZ libraries." Read more here.

You can purchase it direct from Upstart Press, find your local independent bookshop at Bookhub, at PaperPlus, or buy signed copies from my lovely local bookshop Matakana Village Books.

I hope you enjoy it!


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Maria Gill's first book for 2024

Greetings readers and writers

I hope you've had a relaxing break and read lots of wonderful books! I did.

This year I have two new books coming out with Upstart. I'll tell you about the second one in the next blog post closer to its release. But I can tell you about the latest book that was released into the wild yesterday (Thursday 8 February).

Queen of the Cosmos: Beatrice Hill Tinsley, beautifully illustrated by Alistair Hughes, is about one of New Zealand's most famous scientists. You may remember that I published another children's book about one of our other world-famous scientists - Ernest Rutherford - in February last year. Now, you'll be reading about the female equivalent.

Beatrice's story is a sad but empowering story. Born in the UK when London was being pelted with German bombs in World War II, her family moved to Christchurch when she was five years old. Later they moved to New Plymouth where Beatrice and her sisters grew up in the small seaside town. Beatrice was most likely a gifted student but she also worked hard at her studies. She had an aptitude for music and the sciences and those two subjects would be her joy for most of her short life. Beatrice married young and soon found that it would add to her workload and disadvantage her in ways that restricted her career. 

The newly married couple moved to America and while her husband's career took off, she found it difficult getting work in astronomy and cosmology - her area of expertise. Find out how she overcame these difficulties to become known as the Queen of the Cosmos.

Queen of the Cosmos is a story about sacrifice to achieve your lifelong dream and to make a difference in the world. In her case - answering the big questions - finding out how far away galaxies were, and whether the universe was expanding or would one day expire. The story is also about the dangers of melanoma, divorce, separation, and not giving up. Heady subjects, but written in a style that doesn't overwhelm young readers. They can find out more about the difficulties Beatrice faced at the back of the book, as well as a timeline, how she was recognised with awards and naming rights, and a glossary.

I can't wait for people to see it as it's an inspiring story that will hopefully encourage more young people to study the sciences and have a curiosity about the world. Readers will love Alistair Hughes gorgeous illustrations. His watercolour pictures really capture the magnificence of the night sky and the universe. He also captures the emotional moments in the story, and has a real talent in drawing people through their years.

Here's a book trailer you can watch:


Here's a teaching resource you can use:

The first review is out - thanks to Bobs Books Blog. He says: 

Simply told by Maria Gill who always gets it right and expertly illustrated by Alister Hughes whose expansive illustrations reflect the massiveness of the cosmology world that Beatrice was working in. A classy piece of work for juniors through to high school students. A life worth knowing about. certainly the Queen of the Cosmos. Read more here.

Thanks also to Adele Broadbent for her review on What Book Next:

This talented team has done it again – bringing an exceptional New Zealander to the fore and sharing their life with young kiwis. This time is it a gifted woman scientist whose work and research on the cosmos has been heralded around the world. It wasn’t an easy road for Beatrice by any means, but Maria Gill & Alistair Hughes have portrayed Hill Tinsley’s short but extraordinary life beautifully in another narrative non-fiction picture book.

Buy from Upstart or BookHub or your local bookstore or a signed copy from me.

Thanks to Beatrice Tinsley's family and her partner/colleague Dr Richard Larson for fact-checking the story. Also thanks to Alistair for his incredible artwork and Upstart for publishing this beautiful book.

ISBN: 978-1-77694-005-9

RRP $25.00 (paperback, 32 pages)








Thursday, June 29, 2023

Epic New Zealand Adventurers

 2023 'Epic New Zealand Adventurers'

Ten true stories of daring and danger from New Zealand

adventurers. Race to the South Pole with Sir Edmund Hillary,

find the end of the Nile with Cam McLeay and Garth MacIntyre,

 circumnavigate the world in a yacht with sixteen-year-old Laura Dekker.

Trek solo with Helen Thayer and her husky to the Magnetic North Pole,

ride bikes down the spine of the Amercas with Mark Watson and Hana Black,

and many more exciting adventures - some known, some forgotten,

and some just discovered. 

My latest book 'Epic New Zealand Adventurers' is due out in all good book stores from the 13th July. You can pre-order it from Upstart, Aotearoa Books, and from me also.

The first review has come in. Bob says in his blog: All are told in a two page spread with fantastic illustrations by Marco Ivancic and thrilling writing from Maria Gill who has been a traveler herself.

Have a look at the book trailer:

Teachers, please download the free teacher resource:

2023 Ernest Rutherford book

My junior fiction historical novel turned into a creative nonfiction picture book instead. Alistair Hughes has illustrated stunning pictures for the book. Upstart Press released it in February 2023. I've been interviewed on radio, in newspapers, and on blogs. Here's some of the reviews this book has received: 

Maria Gill has done it again, taking young readers back in time to meet another world renown person born in New Zealand. Her effortless style draws the reader in and emphasizes that even a great like Nobel winning prize winner Ernest Rutherford, was once just an ordinary boy. What Book Next

Ernest is certainly one of New Zealand’s most famous people and I learnt a lot from reading this book myself. I think it would make an excellent resource for schools to show how, with perseverance and patience you can achieve great things in life. The inclusion of other famous scientists, a timeline and a Glossary make this a perfect book for a primary school library. Read NZ

'Ernest Rutherford: Just An Ordinary Boy' is a story about our country's most famous scientist, his humble beginnings and the importance of not giving up on your dreams. Gill has once again crafted an essential resource that is both entertaining and educational. NZ BookLovers

Maria Gill is one of our national treasures when it comes to nonfiction children’s books. Ernest Rutherford: Just an ordinary boy is no exception. His unfolding life is inspiring. Importantly, it is good to spend time with the curious child as much as it is the curious adult, and to read examples of Ernest’s key experiments and discoveries. Maria places him alongside other notable scientists (Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Isaac Newton), and offers a valuable timeline and glossary. This book is essential reading. Paula Green, The Poetry Box

Once again, Aotearoa New Zealand’s foremost writer of creative non-fiction books for children and young people hits the mark with her story about the life and times of Ernest Rutherford. It may be subtitled Just an ordinary boy but, of course, Rutherford’s scientific discoveries were anything but.   Dionne Christian, Kete Books

Alastair Hughes illustrations paint a picture of a bygone era in which young Ernest grew up and show the wonder he had for science. Excellent cover. Maria Gill on the money as usual. Bobs Books Blog

A Q & A with Stuff NZ.

If you teach, here is the Teacher Resource you can use with the book.

And here is the book trailer:

In praise of librarians and school libraries

At the moment, many schools throughout New Zealand are packing away library books and shoving them into classrooms or store rooms. Instead the library is being used as classrooms as school rolls grow. At the same time, New Zealand children's literacy rates are dropping considerably. There has to be a correlation.

When I was a teacher, I'd often find lonely children sitting by themselves while I was on playground duty. They were either too shy, awkward, or new to the school to make friends. Or they were on the 'out' of a group of friends. I'd steer them to the library so they could enjoy the world of books. Libraries in schools are a haven for those socially shy children.

They're also life-saving for children who are going through a traumatic time. I remember when my parents broke up, and feeling devastated. Because our parents didn't take us often to public libraries to borrow books and we didn't have a lot of books in the house, school libraries were gold. I buried myself into books and took myself off into worlds afar. It helped me deal with over-whelming feelings. 

Libraries in schools serve children (and teachers) in so many ways. They help children find books for their projects. Lessons in a school library teach children how to research and use the computers to find information. The books teach children skills, to problem solve, feel empathy, increase their vocabulary, and learn how other cultures do things. They expand children's imagination and increase their creativity. And the books inside the library are pitched exactly for their age group. 

Authors, illustrators and publishers also miss out whenever a library shuts down. They produce books for that target age group. Reduced sales means in the long term fewer books will be published in New Zealand.

Over recent years, one third of school libraries have disappeared, and many schools now don't have a dedicated librarian. If a school through no choice or because they don't realise the value of libraries use that building for another classroom, they are sending a message to children that reading doesn't matter. They've also lost the expertise of a librarian who will help children find the next book in a series, or a similar type of book they've just enjoyed, and help those who are reluctant readers.

So, bring back those libraries and their librarians! Value that space and those experts in your school. 

Governments, give funding to schools so that they can expand into new buildings and not take away their libraries. Teachers, utilise your time in your school library to teach research skills, read aloud a favourite book, and familarise your students with the wonders inside (I know that most of you do that). Parents, encourage your children to talk about the books they've taken home from their library. Take turns reading passages when they're tucked into bed. Children/students, make use of that wonderful space in your school, find the treasures inside, and take your superpower (your imagination) on sublime adventures. 

If your library has already disappeared... petition for it to come back! It's the first step to help improving our children's literacy.

best wishes

Maria Gill


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Last Post

Telling Tales Bookshop
In the last week of the Arts Centre Residency in Christchurch I signed books at the wonderful new children's bookshop called Telling Tales, I gave a writing workshop at the Arts Centre, had a farewell dinner at the wonderful Hannah Wilson's (Arts Centre organiser) place, saw the latest James Bond movie on the big screen, did my last school visit (at Shirley Intermediate), gave a talk about writing Sir Ernest Rutherford biography for teens, and had a photo shoot with the Arts Centre residents. Busy. But the last of those engagements for the year. I was heading back to Auckland and Alert Level 3 on Wednesday 20th October. 

Arts Centre

I said my goodbyes to the Art's residents. I enjoyed getting to know them. Nathan, the playwright and poet, for his humour and exuberance. A.J. the science fiction writer for her kindness (she baked!) and her fierce work ethic. And Matilda, the artist, for her wit and daily Gildermesh (cat) updates.

On Wednesday, my good friend Fifi Colston joined me on the car ride north. We stopped for a garden tour and coffee at Jenny Cooper's (illustrator) place. Then carried on up the coast, past seals lounging on jagged rocks. We had a coffee and customary cheese scone in a small town. Reversed back when we saw Nim's Seafood place, just past Kaikoura, and had fresh fish and chips. Waited in the queue to get on the Interislander in Picton. Then carried on working on board the ship. Fifi was designing a birthday card for her husband. I was tweaking my junior fiction novel. 

That night we stayed in Wellington at Fifi's place and celebrated her husband's birthday. Her son, Rory, cooked us a feast and we washed it down with bubbly.

The next day we drove to Taupo, topped up with cheese scones and coffee, and then had a swim at the hot pools. It was divine. I dropped Fifi off at her mother's place and stopped the night at a hotel. (I had to cancel so many hotel and air bnb bookings that I had been going to share with my family. By the time I got to the Taupo booking, I thought, why not spoil myself - my last night before I go back into lockdown.) If only ...

The next day, ten minutes before I was supposed to pick up Fifi and take her to the bus station so she could get home, my husband called me with terrible news. He had had a meeting with his boss on Wednesday (outside), and now his boss was experiencing Covid symptoms. They were both off to get tested. I couldn't come home. 

I think I was in shock when I dropped off Fifi. "Stay another night," suggested Fifi. So after much deliberation of what I should do, I did that. For twenty-four hours I thought I was going to be homeless for two weeks if his boss tested positive. After half a day of moping and indecision, I went for a walk around Taupo coast and then a swim in the hotel pool. 

The next morning, I received the good news that they were both negative. I could come home and spend my birthday with my family after all. There were no troubles on the trip back to north Auckland apart from a long detour (was that to avoid a Covid infected town?) and a road block to have my papers checked. Five hours later I arrived home. That night we toasted my 60th with my Auckland family bubble.

It is weird being back in lockdown. I keep thinking I can just pop down the shops to get something but apart from the supermarket, I have to click and collect. But I'd rather be safe than worrying about catching Covid (I am double vaxed).

My hopes for the rest of the year ... The country gets to 90 percent vaxed. I send my junior fiction biography off to a publisher and they like it. My latest book 'The King's Medal' gets plenty of reviews and sells well. And I get to spend Christmas and the summer holidays with my family.

Huge thanks to the following people who made my Christchurch residency possible:  Fifi Colston, Hannah Wilson and the Arts Centre team, Creative New Zealand, Ruth Parkyn, and the three other residents: Nathan, A.J. and Matilda.

Take care everyone!


Maria Gill

Monday, October 11, 2021

Penultant week of the Arts Centre Residency

11 October 2021

At the beginning of the residency, three months seemed a long time, especially when we went into lockdown. But that time, with no distractions, proved to be great for my writing. I set a goal of how many chapters I wanted to complete in a week and I kept writing until I achieved my target. Sometimes the writing stumbled along, sometimes it was rushed with too much telling, and sometimes it flowed from my fingers. But I have reached my goal of finishing my first draft before I finished the residency. 

I had several things I wanted to achieve over the residency; the first being to write a junior fiction novel about Sir Ernest Rutherford; the second, using the opportunity while in Christchurch to visit schools and promote my books. A Covid-19 lockdown stymied that for a while, but I did do six author talks over the time (with one to do next week). Also, participation in the Word festival, which was cancelled, and then postponed to a date in November (but I'll be home then). And a book launch cancelled twice! The bookseller had ordered a box of 'Remarkable Animal Stories' and so to help sell them, we decided to do a book signing at the new Telling Tales bookshop on Saturday 16th October from 11.00-1.00pm. Please come along if you're in town.

The third thing I wanted to achieve was to get to know Christchurch more and I did. I biked around Hagley Park daily past the daffodils and jonquils, under the cherry trees, and over the bridges with ducks and swans swimming underneath. I also swam at the hot pools every weekend, not counting four weeks of lockdown and then maintenance. I drove to Black Diamond Harbour, Sumner, Amberley and Akaroa. At the latter I discovered the Giant's House, saw seals on a Black Cat boat (we had hoped to see Hector dolphins but were out of luck), and had a drink overlooking the water. We were very fortunate to have splendid weather that weekend.

Over the school holidays, I taught Write Like an Author workshops to 8-14 year old students in Dunedin and Christchurch. Both groups had kids that loved to read and write, which made them a pleasure to teach. Lots of talent in the rooms, too.

With only a nine days to go, I'm now looking forward to going home and seeing the family. I've missed them terribly. I had planned to fly back, one month after I had arrived here, for the weekend. My husband was also going to join me for a weekend away at Hamner Springs (it would have been our first time there), and my family were going to fly to Nelson to celebrate my birthday on my way back. All those plans were scuppered. But I can't complain, I've had freedoms that I wouldn't have been able to enjoy if I had been home in Auckland.

So, with my thoughts on leaving, I realised it has been a real privilege to stay in the Arts Centre with its century old stone buildings. Our bedrooms overlook the Botanical Gardens and I often hear laughter and music. I've seen a group of middle-aged women practicing their cultural dance, families picnicking on the grass verge, and hundreds of people walking or biking along the pavement every day. Plus I've been served a dawn religious rant from the Prophet each morning. It's given me a new perspective on living in the city.

Hannah Wilson, the Arts Centre creative residencies coordinator, has helped make our stay here very comfortable and she's been very supportive of our varying careers in the arts. She's arranged a photographer to take professional photos that we can use going forward. Plus met us fortnightly for coffee breaks to check we've got everything we need and we're surviving psychologically in this Covid world. She's also spent time in the weekend administrating our workshops. Chris, Shelley and others at the Arts Centre have also been very supportive.

Things I'll miss when I leave: my friend Lorraine Orman who's been great company, Ruth Parkyn - a dear 92-year-old who has been incredibly generous sharing meals and looking after my car (no parking at the Arts Centre), my cousin Mark Buckley who has taken me out to dinner several times, catching up with Jenny Cooper - the stunning illustrator from Amberley, the cinema - four steps downstairs from our apartment, the park at my doorstep, Rutherford's den, and those fortnightly meetings with Hannah and the three other Arts residents: Nathan, A.J., and Tilly. And I can't forget Fifi Colston, my traveling buddy, who helped me drive all the way down from Auckland to Christchurch and is going back up to Taupo with me as well (I'll continue the trip to Auckland on my own, going through two Covid borders).

Stay safe!

Maria Gill


Fifi and I at the Giant's House, Akaroa





Fifi and Ruth
Seals in Akaroa Harbour

View from our accommodation


Blossoms in Akaroa